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New England Antiques of Punta Gorda


Phone (941) 639-9338
Mobile (941) 740-2449 - Mobile
Address 209 E. Ann Street,
Punta Gorda,, FL 33950 United States


Active in the Antiques business for 35 years as a wholesale dealer and broker of estate purchased antiques of all periods, dealing directly with several New England, New York, mid-Atlantic and Florida Auction Galleries from our warehouse location in Historic Punta Gorda. Always buying Fine American & European Antiques, American & European Paintings, Sterling Silver, China & Porcelain, Glassware, Art Pottery, Textiles & Quilts, Furniture & Decorative Accessories and American Folk Art of all periods while serving our clients with Honesty and Intergrity. Licensed Florida Auctioneer.

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